This is the new MIA video for latest single "Born Free". If you're of a sensitive disposition we'd advise not pressing 'play' (expect nudity, violence and some downright uncomfortable vistas).
Let's just get one thing straight. The song is brilliant, and a perfect reinvention for MIA after she sprang to prominence thanks to her inclusion on the Slumdog Millionaire track. This serves as a fairly jarring reminder that MIA's music can be extremely edgy. The dark and brooding beats complement the menacing delivery of the lyrics brilliantly. The video is extremely controversial and it makes for uncomfortable, threatening viewing. But there isn't the sense that this is a "controversy for controversy's" sake type of video. Rather, it's a clever artistic decision to provide a visual manifestation of the darkness which pervades this song. And, crucially, it's a very clever way of ensuring that any new audiences MIA might have picked up on the back of Slumdog know exactly what they're getting themselves in to.
13 years ago
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