Sunday 14 March 2010

Spot the Difference #2

Compare this:

Daisy Dares You (feat. Chipmunk)


Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend
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Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend

Yes, we know, DDY (as she'll be known from here on out) has enlisted Chipmunk to provide a rap bit to hide the similarities but the comparison is virtually inescapable. Unremarkable in itself, except for the fact that DDY, earlier this year, was selected by the BBC as one of the top 15 most exciting breakthrough acts of the year. Aren't YOU glad that British music is thriving?

Mercifully a top 10 hit today (two weeks after the official release) date seems unlikely but we genuinely hope that this whole campaign stops with the whole "putting the rock back into pop" nonsense and goes away and has a bit of a rethink.


Mikeinlight said...

I could only stand to listen to 27 seconds of that DDY record. Possibly the worst thing ever to be given a marketing budget?

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